ePIC Keywords


ana_noteAnalysis Note
charterThe ePIC charter
draftDesignates a draft of the document
epic-eicAttributed to ePIC
imageAn image or a collection of images
logoThe ePIC logo collection
policyOne of the ePIC policy documents
requirementsDocuments containing various requirements
tech_noteTechnical Note

Detector keywords
bicBIC DSC activities
calorimetryePIC calorimetry
coordinateCoordinate System
detectorRelated to the ePIC detectors as a whole
drichdRICH DSC activities
emcalRelated to the calorimter CC WG, EM calorimetry
fbRelated to the far detector CC WG, far backward
ffRrelated to the far detector CC WG, far forward
hcalRelated to the calorimter CC WG, H calorimetry
hpdirchpDIRC DSC activities
lfhcalLFHCAL DSC activities
lumhpsLuminosity system activities, pair spectrometers
luminosityLuminosity system activities
pfrichpfRICH DSC activities
pidRelated to the PID CC WG
svtSVT DSC activities
tofToF DSC activities
trackingRelated to the tracking CC WG
zdcZDC activities

Software keywords
aiArtificial Intelligence
analysisPhysics Analysis of the collected data
ciContinuous Integration
containerRelated to the containerization techniques, a running instance of an image
digitizationThe process of converting information from analog to digital form
dockerRelated to the Docker containerization platform
fastsimFast simulations and related techniques
ganGenerative Adversarial Network (a deep learning architechture)
gdmlThe Geometry Description Markup Language
geant4Geant4 simulation platform
geometryRelated to the geometrical properties and configuration of an apparatus/hardware
gpuGraphics processing unit
infrastructureRelated to Computating or Software infrastructure
juliaA programming language
mcegMonte Carlo event generator(s)
onnxOpen Neural Network Exchange (an AI ecosystem)
productionComputational transformation and creation of data, at scale
pythonA programming language
reconstructionRecovery of characteristics of the underlying physical phenomena from the collected data
rootThe ROOT analysis platform
simulationA computational techique used for modeling phenomena
slowcontrolRelated to "Slow Controls", a category of real-time computing applications
softwareMisc software
streamingcomputingComputing Techniques applied to Streaming Data
streamingdaqData Acquisition based on Streaming Technology
userlearningAn organized process of educating users about software, and learning tools related to it
validationComputational checks that the software product satisfies the intended use, QA

Proposed misc keywords

The keywords in this section have not yet been approved for official use in ePIC. Please consider sending comments and/or suggestions to John Lajoie and Silvia Dalla Torre.

An attempt was made to adhere to conventions that reduce chances of misspelling or ambiguity, and allow reliable cross-reference with other information systems where necessary.
For example, it is best to have all keywords in lowercase, and avoid composite keywords (e.g. A-B).

eldaqActivities related to the electronics/R-O/DAQ CC WG
hardwareAdditional tag for hardware-oriented activity (lab, testbeam, irradiation, engineering etc)
mpgdMPGD DSC activities
cymbalMPGD DSC activities, cylindrical MicroMegas
urwectMPGD DSC activities, endcap microRWELL
urwbotMPGD DSC activities, barrel outer microRWELL
femcalFEMCAL DSC activities
eeemcalEEEMCAL DSC activities
lfhcalinsertLFHCAL DSC activities, insert
bhcalBHCAL DSC activities
nhcalNHCAL DSC activities
b0B0 detector activities
rpomdRoman Pots and Off Mommentum Detectors activities
lumhrcLuminosity system activities, high rate calorimeter
lumhpsLuminosity system activities, pair spectrometers
lowq2Low Q^2 taggers activities