Keyword | Description |
bic | BIC DSC activities |
calorimetry | ePIC calorimetry |
coordinate | Coordinate System |
detector | Related to the ePIC detectors as a whole |
drich | dRICH DSC activities |
emcal | Related to the calorimter CC WG, EM calorimetry |
fb | Related to the far detector CC WG, far backward |
ff | Rrelated to the far detector CC WG, far forward |
hcal | Related to the calorimter CC WG, H calorimetry |
hpdirc | hpDIRC DSC activities |
lfhcal | LFHCAL DSC activities |
lumhps | Luminosity system activities, pair spectrometers |
luminosity | Luminosity system activities |
pfrich | pfRICH DSC activities |
pid | Related to the PID CC WG |
svt | SVT DSC activities |
tof | ToF DSC activities |
tracking | Related to the tracking CC WG |
zdc | ZDC activities |
Keyword | Description |
ai | Artificial Intelligence |
analysis | Physics Analysis of the collected data |
ci | Continuous Integration |
container | Related to the containerization techniques, a running instance of an image |
digitization | The process of converting information from analog to digital form |
docker | Related to the Docker containerization platform |
fastsim | Fast simulations and related techniques |
gan | Generative Adversarial Network (a deep learning architechture) |
gdml | The Geometry Description Markup Language |
geant4 | Geant4 simulation platform |
geometry | Related to the geometrical properties and configuration of an apparatus/hardware |
gpu | Graphics processing unit |
infrastructure | Related to Computating or Software infrastructure |
julia | A programming language |
mceg | Monte Carlo event generator(s) |
onnx | Open Neural Network Exchange (an AI ecosystem) |
production | Computational transformation and creation of data, at scale |
python | A programming language |
reconstruction | Recovery of characteristics of the underlying physical phenomena from the collected data |
root | The ROOT analysis platform |
simulation | A computational techique used for modeling phenomena |
slowcontrol | Related to "Slow Controls", a category of real-time computing applications |
software | Misc software |
streamingcomputing | Computing Techniques applied to Streaming Data |
streamingdaq | Data Acquisition based on Streaming Technology |
userlearning | An organized process of educating users about software, and learning tools related to it |
validation | Computational checks that the software product satisfies the intended use, QA |
An attempt was made to adhere to conventions that reduce chances of misspelling or ambiguity, and allow
reliable cross-reference with other information systems where necessary.
For example, it is best to have
all keywords in lowercase, and avoid composite keywords (e.g. A-B).
Keyword | Description |
eldaq | Activities related to the electronics/R-O/DAQ CC WG |
hardware | Additional tag for hardware-oriented activity (lab, testbeam, irradiation, engineering etc) |
mpgd | MPGD DSC activities |
cymbal | MPGD DSC activities, cylindrical MicroMegas |
urwect | MPGD DSC activities, endcap microRWELL |
urwbot | MPGD DSC activities, barrel outer microRWELL |
femcal | FEMCAL DSC activities |
eeemcal | EEEMCAL DSC activities |
lfhcalinsert | LFHCAL DSC activities, insert |
bhcal | BHCAL DSC activities |
nhcal | NHCAL DSC activities |
b0 | B0 detector activities |
rpomd | Roman Pots and Off Mommentum Detectors activities |
lumhrc | Luminosity system activities, high rate calorimeter |
lumhps | Luminosity system activities, pair spectrometers |
lowq2 | Low Q^2 taggers activities |